Project Cit - Report problems in cities

  • Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, MySQL, PHP, Laravel and Blade.
  • Github URL: Project Link

Cit seeks to enable citizens to report structural problems in their cities, by sending evidence (eg photos of holes in the asphalt, electrical network in the middle of trees, among others.) and informing the address of the problem. In this way, other users in the region can vote on the existence and correction of that disorder.

Project/Website made for the discipline "Interdisciplinary Work: Application to Business Processes".

In view of this, the data can be viewed by accounts that register as entities capable of receiving complaints of problems in their respective locations, such as the city hall and/or state, which can correct them, thereby improving the quality of life for all. And common users (those who make the complaints) have the function of seeing the ranking of the best cities, which could be used in different ways and occasions (Ex: a mayor being elected through the dissemination of his results in the city. ).

Basically, a 100% functional application was developed, modeled so that citizens can report problems in their cities.

Members: Guilherme Gabriel, Henrique Monteiro, José Maurício, Lucas Ângelo and Marco Tullio.

More information available on GitHub.